Innovation Plan: ePortfolios

Students in Fine Arts Dance classes are guaranteed to show improvement throughout the year. Creating ePortfolios will allow students to showcase this improvement, be more learner-centered, reflect on their learning, broaden creativity, compile all of the choreography learned and and created in one place, plus SO much more! Imagine the possibilities that will happen as a result of this implementation! Not only can students use these ePortfolios for content purposes in class, but they can use them to present themselves as well-rounded individuals. This could be what sets them apart from others in college admissions applications. Let’s take learning to another level!

“Creativity is now as important in education as literacy.”

Sir Ken Robinson

Innovation Proposal

Implementing ePortfolios in a Fine Arts Dance classroom comes with many benefits. ePortfolios can give students choice, ownership, and voice in an authentic learning environment. My full Innovation Proposal includes highlights and important details regarding my Innovation Plan of incorporating ePortfolios into the classroom.  

Literature Review

Implementing anything new will come with some resistance. Most of us need research to back up the new ideas before we agree to move forward. My Literature Review compiles research on ePortfolios and how they are beneficial to students in the classroom. 

Implementation Outline

Moving forward with ePortfolios, it is imperative to have a timeline of events. This timeline will help keep everyone on the same page and informed of the next steps. Refer to the Implementation Outline for details on how each phase of my Innovation Plan will be structured.


Click here for books I plan on reading to further expand my knowledge on ePortfolios, blended learning, and technology in the classroom. Please join me as I dive deeper into my learning!

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