Contributions to My Learning 5.0

EDLD 5315 – 95/100

EDLD 5320 – 95/100

WOW! I don’t know how I can put into words what I am feeling right now, but I will try!

This past year has flown by and I am SO happy I chose the Applied Digital Learning program at Lamar University for my master’s degree. Not only have I learned so much about teaching, learning, and technology, but I have been able to work with such great professors and classmates. This year is definitely a time I will cherish.

For my last session of classes, I took EDLD 5315 and EDLD 5320. For 5315, I was hesitant to start because I knew the nature of the class would revolve around research. Research is NOT something I was excited about, so I was trying to stay optimistic. As I began the required reading and listened to the supplemental videos, my mind quickly changed. I grew to appreciate the basis of Action Research and realized this approach was very important to classroom teachers like myself. In 5315, we started with an outline of our own Action Research plan, read and studied literature for our Literature Review, and completed a full Action Research plan to take back and conduct in our own classrooms.

The final course of the program 5320, was probably my favorite course of all. This course allowed me to reflect on everything I have done over the past year and how it has helped shaped me into the educator I am today and will be in the future. We started the class by giving a CSLE and COVA reflection, reflecting on our experience through the program and how we have changed over the course of the year. We then created an Innovation Plan update, where we reflected on our progress with our Innovation Plan from the first ADL class until now. Our final assignment was to create an overview of the entire program, start to finish, with details of our own personal experience and an overview of the assignments that were completed.

In both courses, I completed all of the required assignments and material. I completed assignments on, if not before the assigned deadline and when I was given critiques, I went back and fixed what was suggested. For the discussions, I posted in a timely manner and responded with comments and advice on other classmates’ posts. I did miss a few of the live meeting sessions due to travel, but I always went back to watch the recorded version in the shared drive provided.

Just like the other courses taken this year, I collaborated with Naima Bagot, Herman Bibbs, and Rosa Fuentes. We talk daily on GroupMe, attend Zoom calls together, and collaborate using Google Suite documents. I appreciate their willingness to give feedback on my assignments before I post them.

This year has flown by and I am so proud of myself for all I have accomplished. This program is unique in nature and definitely requires you to step out of your comfort zone at times. I am so thankful for this opportunity and I can’t wait to see what my future holds.


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