Course Design

Being able to design a course in its entirety has allowed me to value the time and effort made from the professors who put together the content! I have been able to benefit from the articles and videos to help create effective professional development courses and apply the tips, tricks, and concepts to my own course.

I am building a course for teachers, administrators and other school faculty to create ePortfolios for the secondary classroom. This course is imperative for my Innovation Plan where students will create ePortfolios of their own. By taking this course, teachers and staff will become more knowledgeable about the creation and implementation of ePortfolios.

This course will be a 5 week online course using Google Classroom. The course design will follow Fink’s 3 column table to ensure that goals, activities, and assessments align while still remaining flexible for complete ownership of learning. As an outcome-based education course, there will not be a set of ‘rules’ to follow, but instead, guidelines to help the learners be successful. Everyone will have full control and creativity over the design, content, and structure of their ePortfolio, giving complete ownership to the learner.

For assessments, there will not be any summative assessments for the course, but there will be assignments that drive instruction. There are assignments mid-program that will help the course instructor guide the content moving forward and clarify any misunderstandings. There will be a self-evaluation at the end of the course where each learner will assess their own learning of new information. By allowing for personalization, reflection, collaboration and authentic learning activities, learners will move into deeper learning. Giving learners this control over their learning will propel them forward as self-directed learners.

To keep the course on-going for support from peers and the instructor, I have included a ‘Beyond the PD’ section. Here, the instructor can post articles or videos pertaining to ePortfolio production or implementation that they think would be beneficial. The learners will also have access to the Open Discussion board to ask, answer questions, and collaborate when needed.

Here is a Google Doc version of my outline. Any feedforward or feedback is greatly appreciated.

PD Course Outline


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